The Arrogance of the Napa Board of Supervisors During this Pandemic
This is a letter to the editor I wrote to the Napa Valley Register.
The arrogance of the supervisors to ignore their constituents is amazing.
I wrote Supervisor Brad Wagenknecht on 4/29. The supes are voted in by district and most of the action regarding the state mandates are occurring in his district. On 4/30, I got confirmation that the email was forwarded. I have heard nothing since.
I wrote the entire Board of Supervisors on 5/1, addressing Supervisor Diane Dillon, who runs the board now, cc'ing Napa mayor Jill Simmons Techel and City Manager Steve Poter. The only response I received was an excellent document from the mayor (thank you) with a note. I also received an auto-response with a promise to get back to me from Supervisor Dillon but nothing else.
I feel as simple "go to hell, we're too busy" would be better than being ignored. I feel like I've been patient but it's wearing thin. If you don't want your constituents to contact you via email, you need to remove the option from your contact information on the county website, with advice on the best way to be reached. You are busy, but guess what? So are we. You owe this courtesy of a reply.
This is the crux: Who is in charge of making sure the state orders are executed? It seems to me it's the county. You issued the order. You made the decision to add face masks indoors (good for you!) and it seems the buck stops with you. Why is Walmart allowed to ignore the rules? Are you fining them? Are you closing them down? At the very least you should have signs posted that customers enter at their own risk and that the establishment is not following state and county orders. Walmart services some of the most vulnerable members of our community and yet you are ignoring their blatant disregard for our safety.
These are difficult times but just waiting out a problem is the kind of bland, unresponsive leadership that got us into this problem in the first place. I have no doubt it would be more fun to cut ribbons and go to crab feeds than deal with a pandemic but they are asking the world from local residents and businesses and it's time to be bold, clear, and concise right now.
Steve Sando
Rancho Gordo
I will add that I support the county busting Bistro Fume for blatantly disregarding the state and county order but it appears that there are two sets of rules. Let’s protect the wealthy and middle class and let the working class struggle on their own. Walmart services some of the most vulnerable members of our community. Surely they deserve the same protection.
Before you tell me to go to a BOS meeting, I've done it. One is allowed 3 minutes to address the board. It's patronizing and feels futile. Fair or not, it seems as if the decisions are all made well before the public gets involved. I hope I am wrong but when you look at the list of donors to their campaigns, you have to wonder. If I make a nice, big donation, will I get the courtesy of a return email or call?