An Open Letter to Doris Gentry

Doris Gentry, it might be time to graciously back out of this election. Thank your supporters and blame things on a horrible misunderstanding. No harm is done. Have a nice ride out.

  1. Your refusal to answer direct questions is astounding. You claim that private schools love your help. I asked you which ones and what exactly were you doing for them and you blocked me on Facebook.

  2. There’s the Proud Boys thing. It’s never a good idea to play footsie with racism. It’s not going away, mostly because you didn’t deal with it in a timely manner and now you just seem disingenuous when you have to defend the indefensible.

  3. You are going on about defunding the police. Is this a rallying cry you keep hearing from the left here in Napa or is this chumming the waters for your base? Why are you making this an issue?
    In a promotional video, you seem to think that the problem is sensitivity training for police in dealing with mental health problems. Are you serious? What do you think about the systematic racism in society?

  4. Do you really think there is anyone who doesn’t want schools open? Why do you keep saying we have to open schools and yet you offer no plan on how to do it? Have you been working with the school district? Have you even contacted them? If so, what was the result?

  5. You claim to be a teacher. Where and when did you earn your teaching credentials?

  6. There are at least two businesses you claimed to own but both say you have grossly exaggerated your role. The only proof that you can come up with that you even worked with them is a letter of recommendation for your role as an office manager.

  7. You claim to be the producer of the Wine and Chocolate event. You told 209 Magazine: We support foster kids – everyone loves that idea. Every dime goes right to the kids. We have zero employees and zero building; we are a true non-profit. Guests love that.

    John Pearson, in a Letter to the Editor of the Napa Register, writes: Public non-profit IRS reports show that this event has not done well. For the five-year period 2014 to 2018 this fund-raising activity spent 70% of the revenue on expenses. In 2018 alone, the revenue for Doris’ production was $56,381 with expenses of $56,235. A net gain of only $146 (less than 1%).

    In 2016 there was a $917 loss.

    Your response:
    ” I am not the Treasurer so I don’t have any idea how the numbers were calculated
    ”I organized and hosted and drew the crowds

    "And we did give away lotsa money to other non profits - not sure about the years you mention”
    Doris, this is where I say again, the questions get harder. Which years did you give away “lotsa money”? If you weren’t the Treasurer and didn’t keep tabs on the money, how do you know about money that was given away?

There are many other issues and rather than sweep them under the carpet as you’ve done, your motives are going to be questioned every step of the way. Your non-direct answers bring up all sorts of new questions. You are welcome to answer any of these issues below. I won’t delete or alter a word, but for the sake of peace, I’d suggest you think about another way to help the community.

Steve Sando
Local small business owner and editor of Napa Citizen